Category: Technology


Microsoft just ran out of IPv4 addresses

We’ve been hearing about IPv6 for quite a while now; how it will solve all of our problems as more and more devices come online. But when Microsoft flat-out says they’ve run out of IPv4 addresses to give, well, things get more serious.


Super thin Galaxy Tab S announced

Continuing its quest to bring lighter and thinner tablets to the market, Samsung presented Galaxy Tab S yesterday, which comes in two variations, 8.4 and 10.5 inch respectively.


Popcorn Time fork gives you anonymity via built-in VPN

Popcorn Time caused quite a stir a few months ago; it was called “Pirate Netflix” and for a good reason. It was of course shut down, but not before its source code was out in the open. And since this is the internet, a dozen forks have appeared since then. One of them now promises to keep you a bit safer from prying eyes.